Friday, February 1, 2013

It's a GIRL!

We found out last week that we are having another precious HEALTHY little GIRL!!!
We cannot wait to meet her!!!!
So, we wanted to have some fun with the gender reveal.  Josh and I went to the doctor on Thursday for the ultrasound and visit with Dr. McDonald.  We told the ultrasound tech that we didn't want to know the gender right then and she wrote it down and stuck it in a sealed envelope.  It was hard to not just find out, but I was excited to wait and find out with Josie.  I'm not going to lie.... We were VERY tempted to give in during the ultrasound and even once we had the sealed envelope, but we were patient :)  Our visit went great!  The baby's heart rate was 140 (same as Josie's heart rate from her 18 week visit -- I didnt' know that until after the dr's visit, though).  This baby is an active little gal!  She was flipping all over the place!
So, we left the doctor's office and went straight to a children's shop in Memphis and picked out a boy gift and girl gift and then gave the envelope to the clerk and asked her to open it privately and wrap the appropriate gift.  We walked next door to shop a few minutes and then we anxiously returned.  I was absolutely starving!  So, we stopped at Chili's for a quick bite and then headed home to get Josie.  We all came home and Josie opened the present!!!
I was thinking boy, Josie thought boy and Josh thought girl.....

 IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!!!!!!  We were soooooo excited!!!!
Josie was quite shocked but excited!
Then, Josie called all of our family to share the news!!!!
We are so excited to have another little girl!  I had thought the whole time that I was pregnant that it was a boy, which is funny, because I have always pictured us with just girls!  Josh is excited about having another Daddy's little girl.  Josie is ready to be the BEST big sister in the world!  We are ready for June!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, we have to decide on a name for this sweet gal :)
Josie's vote is "Wall" or "Picture Frame"..... pretty sure we will have to keep thinking!

Josie's 4th Birthday

Josie turned 4 on January 5! 
We had a fun PJ's and Pancakes party at our house for her friends.
It was soooo much fun and perfect for a winter birthday!

 We enjoyed pancakes, donut holes, fruit, sausage balls and yogurt.
 Sweet Claire
 Josie and CJ
 Miss Laura and precious Avery
 Cousin Addison and the Birthday Girl!
 The mass chaos!!!  :)
 Miss Ashley (Josie's teacher)
 Matthew helping Addison draw on the keepsake pillowcase for Josie
 "Aunt Ash" with a bunch of the kiddos --- they took a break from jumping on the bed to take the picture!
 Josie and Sophie.  Sweet friends!
 Mae-Mae and cute Whitt
 Ainsley and Josie
 Me, Sarah and Ashley
So thankful for such good friends that helped us celebrate Josie's birthday!
 Hooper and Josie
After the Saturday morning party with friends, we had cake and ice cream for our family that afternoon.

We had such a great day!  Josie had such a blast at her party and was ready to do it all over again (However, Mommy and Daddy were exhausted!!!!)
Josie had not slept much the night before due to the anticipation of the party!  haha!
I can't believe our sweet Josie is 4 years old. 
She is such a precious, loving, intelligent, sweet girl.  I tell her all of the time that she's beautiful inside and out............. I pray that she keeps her sweet nature with such a love for helping others and love for life!  Josie, we love you to the moon and back! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

Santa came!
We finally had to wake Josie up around 7:45 Christmas morning.
I'm sure that will change in the upcoming years!
Santa brought Josie an art easel, American Girl Bitty Baby,
a backpack, puzzles, art supplies, a scooter, a HUGE floor piano and matching pj's for Josie and her baby doll.  He also didn't forget new sippy cups, markers, scissors and a book (per Josie's requests on her Christmas list!)  She sure must have been a good girl this year!

Santa also left a very special present for Josie to share with her entire family.
She had been asking for an Ipad.... crazy, I KNOW.  She loves Nonni's Ipad and we really thought that we would get her a Leap Pad, but after realizing that the Leap Pad PLUS multiple games that she would want would be quite an expense in itself AND the fact that our laptop crashed recently....... We decided that maybe we should ask Santa for an Ipad for our entire family.  So, he was very sweet to think of all of us on Christmas morning!

 After TONS of fun and a yummy breakfast at home, we went to Nonni and Popee's to celebrate some more!
Sweet Stella...... She may possibly be the SWEETEST baby ever :)  She's so laid back!
Josie and Olivia playing "Hot Potato!"
Josie, Jessica and Stella

Mott- Mott
Olivia and Josie with Nonni
Singing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus. 
The girls did a great job decorating his cake!

My sweet baby girl and I with her new Bitty Baby Twins!
Matching Pj's for Josie and Bitty Baby!
Finally going to bed after a long, fun-filled day!
We had a wonderful Christmas....
We are truly blessed!
I can't believe that we will have a 6 month old baby with us next Christmas! :)

Christmas Eve 2012

I worked for a little while on Christmas Eve and then rushed home to get us ready for all of the festivities!  Elfie dropped off a present Christmas Eve morning and told Josie that he had to head back to the North Pole to help Santa, but he left her something special to wear on Christmas Eve night.  He also asked her to wait until her Mommy got home from work to open.  So, I had a very anxious little girl waiting to open the present when I returned home.  Elfie left Josie a Christmas nightgown!!!!  She felt very grown up!
We did some last minute wrapping and cooking and then we all got ready for church.
When we arrived at church, Josie was asked to be a special angel in the service.  So, she was dressed up in a pretty white choir robe and had a gorgeous gold halo on her head.  I was so sad that I didn't have my phone or camera with me!

Then, we quickly went to Grandmommy and JJ's to celebrate Christmas!!!!
We enjoyed some YUMMY food and then the girls were ready to open some presents!

I think somebody loves her new red cowboy boots from Granny!

Sweet Cousins..... Merry 1st Christmas, Baby Raine!!!
The BIG surprise of the night was that the girls got a trampoline from GM and JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate that I couldn't get better pictures, but trust me.... they had lots of fun!
We then ran by Nonni and Popee's house to see Brian, Jessica, Olivia and Stella.  They had just arrived for Christmas.  Then,we went home to put on our pj's and put out our cookies for Santa and we sprinkled reindeer food in the yard for Santa's reindeer.