Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Woo Hoo!! Mission Accomplished!

We are VERY proud to say that our favorite little girl is officially.....

POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise God! Alleluia!

I would say that she's really been accident free for a couple of weeks, but I was so scared to jinx us that I didn't breathe a word :) ha!

After lots of cookies, candy, stickers, "poopy dances", purchases of big girl panties AND tears......

we can consider this MISSION ACCOMPLISHED :)

Funny side note: Obviously I told Josie how happy I was each time she would potty over the past few months, beecause now she will potty and look at me and say, "Mommy, you happy!?!?"

My sweet girl! We are sooooooo proud of her :)

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