Saturday, November 27, 2010
Christmas Cards
Friday, November 26, 2010
I'm not just thankful today but truly ALWAYS....
I'm most thankful for God and all of his wonderful blessings. Goodness knows I've had a fair share of wonderful blessings in my life :)
And..... I'm thankful for this sweet girl.....
Thanksgiving 2010
Addison & Josie
We went to Jackson to eat at Double Tree with my family on Thursday. The food was delicious as always. I will never forget Josie eating every bit of food we put in front of her LAST year, but NOT this year! She was way more into socializing with everyone around her. She might have eaten a few cheese cubes, but that's it.... Imagine that!
We closed Kreme Kastle after lunch on Wednesday until Monday. What a TREAT for us! We have enjoyed a lot of family time! It's soooo nice and such a special treat for us to be home all together on a Friday night just relaxing, playing and enjoying dinner together. I think we could get used to this :) All of our Christmas decorations are up and I'm officially in the holiday spirit! I'm finally starting to feel close to "normal" again since having my wisdom teeth out and ready for all of the fun holiday festivities coming up!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanksgiving Festivies Have Begun!
I have been MIA this week. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday. Josh and Josie have been great nurses! I'm really ready to get life back to "normal" again! Yay for the holidays!!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Just Us Girls
My Little Pumpkin & New Niece
We just wish they lived closer, but we might just need to plan a trip to Minnesota soon!
The Powder Incident!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
22 months TODAY!
LOVES whole milk! Prefers that over juice :)
LOVES to dance! Anytime she sees Barney on TV or anything with music, she immediately starts dancing. I need to catch that on video ASAP!
Josie is still going through a clingy stage right now. She wants to be held a good bit at home and is not being very independent. However, we get a different story from daycare and from her grandparents when they keep her! I think it's just a phase with wanting attention from me and Josh.
Favorite "Words"/ "Sayings":
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween!
First of all, I can't believe that we never got a good family picture from Halloween :( I guess that's what happens when you are busy chasing a toddler... You just forget! We had an uneventful day around here. Josie wore her little Halloween dress to church, but no costume today! The town of Brownsville "celebrated" Halloween on Saturday. So, there was no trick-r-treating today. We continued to enjoy Josie's Halloween candy today!